2013年4月26日 星期五

不要把設計和品牌混為一談 / Don't confuse Branding and Design

如同前面提到的,品牌是一個結果,而設計只是達成這個結果之前的手段之一。做品牌就是在管理顧客經驗,讓顧客在接觸到品牌的時候,能夠產生我們所創造渴望 的感覺。設計只是用來達成這些結果的方式,聰明的利用色彩、形狀、語言,和照片,能夠傳達並加強訊息的感覺。然而設計師並不全盤了解做品牌的概念。想要單 憑設計師的力量來做品牌,就好像要一個時裝設計師主導整場服裝秀,到時候衣服可能很漂亮,但是化妝、音樂、和整體統籌可能一敗塗地。設計師可以從視覺/形 狀的觀點,創造出品牌形象。但要注意的是,品牌不只是形象和功能,而是包含了整個消費者購買經驗,從商店陳列、背景音樂、到銷售態度等,都在其中。

Don't confuse Branding and Design
As we have seen earlier, a brand is the result and design is one means of achieving this result. Branding is about managing the customer experience and creating the desired feeling that we want the customer to feel when in contact with the brand. Design is merely the method through which some of these results will be achieved. Intelligent use of color, shape, words and photography will convey and reinforce a message, a feeling. However, designers are not always involved in the whole branding picture. Leaving designers in charge of a brand is a little like leaving a fashion designer in charge of a catwalk show. The clothes may be beautiful, but the make-up, music and overall organisation may be a disaster. Designers will manage the brand's image from a visual point of view. Please note that the brand goes beyond image and function; it encompasses the overall buying experience of a consumer, from shop layout, to background music, to sales manner etc...”

This extract of Dos & DONTs of branding in Taiwan explains clearly the main difference between branding and design but also points out a recurrent problem: Designers are not necessary involved in, or at least informed about, the brand strategy.
A mistake? Yes, if we consider the importance of the designer for the brand.
To communicate, to provide experience, to let people have the right feeling, and by extension to exist, a brand needs design.
It is difficult to separate strategy and design: a good positioning, strategy will be nothing without a good execution from the designer, and at same time, there is little chance for a brand to be successful with good design and no strategy.
To deliver the right feeling, designers need more than a brand position.
They need to understand what are the goals, what emotion the consumer feels or need to feel when he is in touch with this brand… Designers need to live the brand, and participate in the strategic conversation can only help.
Integrating design earlier can also help to have a different approach and inform brand people about new technologies and so coming with more innovative solutions.
If you want to know how much the design can influence a brand, just have a look at the second most valuable brand in 2012. Since the iMac’s success , Apple made the choice to keep the same leading designer, Jonathon Ive, on every major product like ipod, iphone and ipad.
Would Apple have been successful without consistent design?

品牌怎麼做? 讓薩巴卡瑪慢慢告訴您!


