2010年6月8日 星期二


Subkarma is currently looking for a young, fun and very well organized individual to be Subkarma Director’s trusted assistant.

The job will require that you have a strong personality, yet good at communicating with people from varying backgrounds. You will be ready and eager to take on a job which is never the same two days in a row. You will be eager to grab the opportunity to meet interesting people and participate in a wide range of activities, from organizing large events to helping conduct focus groups and market research. You will not be scared to work for a boss who is very forgetful and sometimes forgets which day of the week it is. Most of all, you already love what Subkarma does and what it stands for in Taiwan.

If this is just a job for you, do NOT apply.
We are only interested in PASSIONATE people who care about making a difference to Taiwanese businesses.

You will possess all the required PC skills, and you will be able to help locate the on/off button on James’ computer. You are comfortable with all Office applications such as Excell, Powerpoint and Word.

You will be proficient in English, and will not be scared of James’ singing out loud and dancing in the office during working hours. Instead, you may even suggest some new dance moves to him!

The role is based in Taichung but you will get to discover many parts of this beautiful island since Subkarma’s clients come from all across Taiwan.
You will be available to start immediately or within a few weeks

Send your CV and motivation letter to: verita@subkarma.com

2010-06-30 UPDATE: 此職缺已額滿囉,謝謝大家

3 則留言:

  1. This is the most interesting and creative recruiment I've seen recently. I'm 100% into it!!

  2. hey, i'm wondering is this job still open? Thank you for responding.

  3. Hi guys, I believe that this position has already been filled - however, subkarma is always looking for people with a slightly weird approach to work and life in general...other job positions will be posted shortly. Cheers for the comments!
